Dear All
On behalf of the Scientific
Committee and the Academy Nature Events, it gives me great pleasure to invite
and welcome you to the Global Meet & Expo on Civil, Structural &
Environmental Engineering which will be held in Rome, Italy from October
28-30, 2025.
The CIVIL2025 will provide an
excellent opportunity for delegates from all over the world to share research
findings and encourage new collaborations and interaction in various areas of
Civil, Transportation, Structural, and Environmental Engineering with
particular emphasis on Sustainable Development. The conference also covers development
in other key areas concerning Geotechnics and Materials and will have standard
and special sessions along with the workshops.
The CIVIL2025 aims to be a
premier international forum to highlight novel developments and share new
ideas, research results, and development experiences, in addition to fruitful
discussions and networking opportunities for academics, researchers,
industrialists, and decision-makers.
Finally, I wish you a pleasant
stay in Rome and look forward to meeting you at this conference.
Prof. Newman Winifred Elysse, The Clemson University, USA
Prof. Jannie SJ van Deventer, The CEO of Zeobond Pty Ltd, Australia
Prof. C W Lim, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Prof. Wai Yuen Szeto, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Prof. Zhanping You, The Michigan Technological University, USA
Prof. Kunigal N Shivakumar, The North Carolina A&T State University, USA
Prof. Yan Zhuge, The University of South Australia, Australia
Prof. Vivian W Y Tam, The Western Sydney University, Australia
Prof. Amer Ali, London South Bank University, UK - Special Session Chairman
Prof. Christian Malaga Chuquitaype, The Imperial College London, London
Prof. Montserrat Zamorano, The University of Granada, Spain - Special Session Chairman
Prof. Alessandra Bonoli, The University of Bologna, Italy - Session Chairman
Prof. Wensu Chen, The Curtin University, Australia
Prof. Jun Li, The Curtin University, Australia
Prof. Khaled Shaaban, The Utah Valley University, USA
Prof. Nazri Ali, The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Wang Lichen, The Tianjin University, China
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